Coming back to a bit of code from a month back, I suddenly get the following error;
weird thing is, that I didn’t update CVB, nor change anything in the code or project. I tried running the installer of CVB again to repair any missing references, as well as removing the reference to the .dll and adding it anew, but to no avail.
I’m a bit at a loss at where to look for the solution on this? The only thing I could think of is environment variables or registry keys being wrong somehow, but the repair installer should’ve taken care of that right?
what happens if you start one of the Foundation tutorials written in C++ (like e.g. VCColourSpaceConv)? Can you see the iCVCFoundation.dll in the C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL directory? What versions are there?
Generally speaking, registry keys are unlikely to be the culprit(s) here, environment variables only if they lead to the unmanaged DLLs of to no longer being found. The reasons I can think of:
Mangled content of the Global Assembly Cache (hence my initial questions)
Mangled content of the %CVB% directory (should not happen, but I’ve seen over-eager virus scanners do that kind of thing…)
Mismatch between the version of iCVCFoundation.dll that your binary wants to load and what is available
Mismatch between the .Net Runtime Version in your project and the iCVCFoundation.dll (but I’d expect to see a warning during compilation)