You are using the FBlob OCX, right? Is the image source and image format on both machines the same? Are both systems identical when it comes to software (CVB, operating system, etc.)?
Is your workflow the same as in the mentioned tutorial, with the binarization and so on?
Then the conditions are not the same, right? You are using different OS and CVB versions. Do these reflect both systems you are referring to (Win8.1 + CVB 12.01.002 and Win10 + CVB 13.00.000)? The latter is the one where the creation of the FBlob object fails? You’ve verified that the tutorial runs properly with both combinations?
@Frank informed me about your issue: Might it be that you call FBlobCreate(NULL, 0)? I looked into the source code and saw that there is a regression regarding no image being provided. This was not checked by our blob test suite. I created a ticket in our bug database and will fix the issue this week.
Can you work around this issue by providing an image upfront or do you need a replacement library? If yes I need additional information regarding whether you develop with CVB Win32 or x64.
I am sorry to hear that. We invest a lot of time in giving you a good setup experience. But if you have issues with the setup, you could enable MSI logging via the Windows Registry so we can try to find the cause.
Download (356 Bytes) and unzip it onto a local folder like your Desktop. When double clicking the reg-File you can add the settings to the Windows Registry.
After that start the setup. The log-file will then be saved into your %temp% folder with a unique name (random letters and numbers). This is normally the newest log file then.