Try to requeue already queued buffer

Hello, new to the forum.

We are using a few Teledyne Dalsa Nano-C1280 color cameras in our machine that keep randomly losing connection and usually require a power cycle to restart.

I have tried using LogGUI to try and troubleshoot what the problem is and believe i may have an idea of what is causing this, but I do not really know. My knowledge on genicam, gigevision, and cameras is limited.

It looks like our problem is we are trying to requeue a camera that already has queued buffers and that is what is causing the disconnect. Does this sound reasonable? Can someone explain to me why/how this might be happening. We are triggering the camera numerous times, but most of the cameras do not have this issue, and it happens randomly. We are using 12-16 cameras that take about 18 images a piece and send the images to a switch, which then send it to a pc to be stored.

Let me know if you need any more information on this.

I have the log file if needed. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @ivieye,
First, it is very important to be sure that you have enough bandwidth for every of your cameras during a parallel acquisition of several cameras. If this is not the case, it can result in lost connections. Additionally, you should also see corrupt / incomplete frames, which should give you an indication that the network setup or the settings need to be optimized.

Speaking of the settings. Be sure that all network settings are optimized for the best performance.

Have a look here for more information of optimized settings:
Common Vision Blox: GigE Vision

To reduce the bandwidth use, the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit to limit the bandwidth to the available bandwidth you have.

Regarding the CVB Warning, it is currently unclear why you get them.
Do you have a sample code you can share with us so that we can see how you acquire the images and what could cause the warnings?

Thank you so much for the response. I will talk to our software team, and see if i can share some code. I think we have given each camera plenty of bandwidth, but I will look into this some more.

We are still looking into this issue. Still no real luck. Have not been successful with getting any code for you. We are looking to mess with some of these settings. If any of these work, I will let you know.

Deactivate Interrupt Throttling (10 GigE only)
Deactivate Interrupt Moderation Rate
Increase the Receive Buffers/Descriptors