Start-Up for a New User


I am new here. I have a task for dealing with two IR and two RGB cameras, with the GigEVision and USB3Vision protocols, respectively.

The idea is that I will be dealing with the CVB SDK for the software programming. Can anyone guide me on how I should start these implementations?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Rasho

I suggest you to have a look at the following posts:

And in case you want to do Python:

Also in the installation folder of CVB you will find a “tutorials” folder with a lot of - well actually examples rather than tutorials .

This might also be interesting for you:

If you find yourself stuck, just let us know what you are struggling with exactly and we will help you.


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Thank you so much, Chris.

First, it is just the beginning, even I don’t have the cameras in my hands at the moment. I tried to download the CVB, but it asked for a license, the cameras I will buy from stemmer imaging, so I will get a license with them?

And for example, if I want to train myself and make a small example with CVB what I should do?

You can request a trial license via the CVB LicenseManager.
You can do this on a monthly basis until you have verified your code.
Everything you need to acquire images will also be licensed once you have a camera from us.

Some modules like the GevServer for example need to be paid for separately.

If you dont have your cameras already just go with the trial license, and just load the This simulates a camera so you are able to get test images and work with them like you would do with a real camera.


Thank you for your help I do this.

Useful here! Thank you)) :+1: