Hi Everyone,
triggered by a request of one of our customers I am facing a problem that I am not sure on how to best address.
WPF DisplayControl
Origin of the pixel coordinates of the cursor displayed at the bottom have to start wit 0/0 on the bottom left corner.
My first try would be to manipulate the CoordinateSystem of the underlying Image of the DisplayControl.
As far as I was able to find out this is represented by an AffineMatrix.
This already has a Inverse() implemented but this would not solve our problem as this would move the origin to the bottom right as far as I am aware.
So the solution I came up with would be to use a lib for matrix-manipulation and do a horizontal flip on the Matrix of the image. Then assign the flipped matrix back to the image as the new CoordinateSystem.
Is this valid?
Is there a better way?
Thank you in advance and