LineScan rotary encoder trigger frequency


I have a Linea Mono 2k 52 kHz GigE camera with a rising edge rotary encoder and using CVB .Net.
The encoder has fixed ticks/mm.

I’ve successfully programmed the nodes to enable encoder triggering for “rotaryEncoderOutputMode” = “Motion”:
“TriggerMode” = “On”
“rotaryEncoderInputASource” = “Line1”
“rotaryEncoderInputBSource” = “Line2”
“rotaryEncoderInputASource” = “On”
“LineFormat” = “SingleEnded”
“lineDetectionLevel” = “Threshold_for_3V3”
“rotaryEncoderSrcActivation” = “RisingEdge”
“rotaryEncoderOutputMode” = “Motion”
“rotaryEncoderRescalerOrder” = “multiplierDivider”

My problem is understanding the “divider” and “multiplier” parameters to control the trigger rate. The documentation doesn’t seem to help much. I’ve been told that “multipler” can only be set to values of 1,2,4,8,…, and “divider” will reduce or remove potential triggers?? Experimentation doesn’t yield what I would expect.

Ultimately what I need is:
A formula to calculate “multiplier” and “divider” for rate of n ticks, i.e. To achieve a trigger rate of 1 linescan for every n encoder ticks.

Hi @StevePSS,

except that you use CVB.Net I do not see a CVB related question here. Can you please create a support request to your support contact responsible for your region.
Thank you.