Configuration Trigger - Dalsa Linea


I know this forum is more geared towards software issues, but I think you might be able to help me!
I’m using a DALSA linea C4096-7 camera.
I have a photocell installed on the line that is sending the
signal to the trigger. I’ve already managed to configure a type of trigger to
check the signal. It’s working correctly.
However, as my process is continuous, I’ve been trying to configure the
the trigger as follows, but to no avail.

  • When the material reaches the sensor, it goes from 0 to 1;

  • When the sensor status is 1, the camera acquisition is switched on;

  • When the sensor status is 0, the camera acquisition is switched off.
    (transition from 1 to 0);

How should I go about making this type of configuration?

Hello Paulo,

this is possible with a Dalsa Linea GigE camera. In the user manual of the camera it is explained unde the namer:

Frame Active: Starts the acquisition of a frame. The width of the trigger signal controls the number of lines in
the frame, up to the maximum set by the Height feature

What model of the camera do you have exactly?

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I´m using the DALSA linea C4096-7 (ref: LA-GC-04K05B).
I saw this setting in the manual but couldn’t get it to work. Maybe I’m missing a parameter. Have you ever used this type of configuration?

Hi Paulo,

yes we did use this feature already. It should work but it can have many reasons why its not working for you. Cabling, trigger signal level and so on.
Unfortunately this is not a topic for the Common Vision Blox user forum. You can get more help from us regarding this camera related topic if you contact your support representative.

Please use this website:

Can you tell me what kind of configuration you used?
Thanks for your help, I’ll get in touch with them.
Thank you

I did not do this myself but my colleague did. He said its straightforward and well documented in the manual of the camera. Pulse lenght of the frame active trigger has to be correct of course.
We never had known issues with this subject.
Check the trigger signal timings.