I’ve only been here a while but want to say how impressed (and helped) I have been by the rapid, patient and competent feedback I have been getting.
We had an existing project using a manufacturer’s library (which I won’t name), and I was tasked with deciding if we should continue struggling to get it working, or switch to .
The first point on the ‘pro’ list for was “the support”
Thank you for your Feedback @Ben.
We do our best to improve our service. Of course we would be very happy so see you again with more questions regarding . So lets hope that our forum is not the only point on the Pro list
@Ben, @Theo is right, we are not only happy to help, we actively enjoy it - no-one actually has to tell us to service the forum… we just do it! Let us know if there’s more that you need.
Well I’m glad to hear that. Generally one only hears from customers when things aren’t working. Once the problems are ironed out, everything goes very quiet. Until it’s panic time again