Reading ChunkEncoderValue from AT C5

Hi! I’m trying to read ChunkEncoderValue node from AT C5-1280 using .NET API:

var device = DeviceFactory.Open("");

var deviceModeMap = device.NodeMaps[NodeMapNames.Device];

CvbStream stream = device.Stream;
    using (StreamImage image = stream.Wait())
        var encoderValues = new List<long>();
        var scanLineSelector = deviceModeMap["ChunkScanLineSelector"] as IntegerNode;
        for (var scanLine = scanLineSelector.Min; scanLine <= scanLineSelector.Max; scanLine += scanLineSelector.Increment)
            scanLineSelector.Value = scanLine;
            var encoderValueNode = deviceModeMap["ChunkEncoderValue"] as IntegerNode;

But accessing property encoderValueNode.Value throws error:

System.IO.IOException: 'IntegerNode[Std::ChunkEncoderValue]: Node is not readable.'

Why this node is not readable?

I can read this node using AT’s examples from cxSupportPackage with exactly the same camera settings.

I can read encoder value from chunk payload (Using Chunk Mode Data with CVB.NET). But I wanted to use vendor independed GenICam SFNC.

GenICam Browser is reading encoder values just fine. Seems like I’m missing something…
2021-04-26 13_22_57-GenICam Browser

Hi kokostek,

the transmission of chunk data needs to be enabled inside the to be available over the api.

Also the “Chunk Mode” needs to be activated over the camera NodeMap:

Than your code should be working.
Note that transmitting chunk data might have a negative inpact on the performance.


Hi Simon,

thanks a lot for your solution. It works fine (I didn’t test performance yet though).

I just want to add my two cents regarding using driver. One can also set AttachChunk programmatically if she opens device using Discover. I myself prefer Discover option as it permits to select device using info like IP address, etc. (not just CVB channel number). Here is the example:

// Select device by serial number, IP address, etc...
// Selecting first device here to be short.
DiscoveryInformationList foundDevices = DeviceFactory.Discover();
var selectedDevice = foundDevices[0];

// Set CVB color format to "Raw".
// I suppose we need this when working with chunks.
selectedDevice.SetParameter("PixelFormat", "0");

// Turn on "Attach chunk" parameter, so that chunk
// nodes become readable.
selectedDevice.SetParameter("AttachChunk", "1");

// Open device and configure chunk mode.
var device = DeviceFactory.Open(selectedDevice);
var deviceNodeMap = device.NodeMaps[NodeMapNames.Device];
var chunkModeActive = deviceNodeMap["ChunkModeActive"] as IBooleanNode;
chunkModeActive.Value = true;

// Read encoder value(s) along with image.
CvbStream stream = device.Stream;
    using (StreamImage image = stream.Wait())
        var encoderValues = new List<long>();
        var scanLineSelector = deviceNodeMap["ChunkScanLineSelector"] as IntegerNode;
        for (var scanLine = scanLineSelector.Min; scanLine <= scanLineSelector.Max; scanLine += scanLineSelector.Increment)
            scanLineSelector.Value = scanLine;
            var encoderValueNode = deviceNodeMap["ChunkEncoderValue"] as IntegerNode;

Credit to this post for example of setting driver parameters.