Getting Started with CVBpy

Acquire from a Camera

This is very simelar to the things shown above.

  1. load the device. This will open the first configured GenICam device.
vin_device = + "/drivers/")
stream =
  1. Before you can get any images start the stream.
  1. Wait for 10 images and print some information about them.
    for i in range(0 ,10):
        image, status = stream.wait_for(1000)
        if status == cvb.WaitStatus.Ok:
            print("Acquired image " + str(i) + " into buffer " + 
               str(image.buffer_index) + ".")
            raise RuntimeError("timeout during wait" 
                if status == cvb.WaitStatus.Timeout else 
                    "acquisition aborted")

Please note that, although errors are unlikely in this simple example and I just pass them it is usually a good idea to handle them, and at least always stop the stream so that stay in a defined state.

The output given you have three (default) buffers allocated would be:

Acquired image 0 into buffer 0.
Acquired image 1 into buffer 1.
Acquired image 2 into buffer 2.
Acquired image 3 into buffer 0.
Acquired image 4 into buffer 1.
Acquired image 5 into buffer 2.
Acquired image 6 into buffer 0.
Acquired image 7 into buffer 1.
Acquired image 8 into buffer 2.
Acquired image 9 into buffer 0.