GenApiGrid ActiveX C#

Hi guys,

I have a question for you about the use of ActiveX with CVB.
With the ActiveX GenApiGrid, we can set/get camera parameters graphically but if we want to send a command, we have to get the « NodeMap » first.

The classic way of how to do seems to be like this :

But this is not the ActiveX itself which retrieve the NodeMapHandle but a dll of the driver.

Do you know if it’s possible to get the NodeMapHandle directly from the GenApiGrid ActiveX ?
(in order to have a full ActiveX use)


Hi @Bviaron ,

this should do the trick:

if (Driver.INodeMapHandle.CanNodeMapHandle((Cvb.Image.IMG)CvbImage))
     Driver.INodeMapHandle.NMHGetNodeMap((Cvb.Image.IMG)CvbImage, out _nodeMap);

with CvbImage being (int)axCVimage.Image

Hi @Chris ,

The code you sent me is the same than the weblink I sent you.

Is the function “Driver.INodeMapHandle.NMHGetNodeMap” is the only one to get the nodeMap ?
No way to get the nodeMap directly from an ActiveX ?


Hi @Bviaron ,

sorry I honestly did not have a look into the link.
As far as I am aware this is the only way, yes.

I dont understand the second sentence… you get the nodemap from the image that is on the ActiveX. So thats as much getting something from an AX as possible :stuck_out_tongue:

The whole AX related functionality and the “older” C# wrappers are pretty unhandy compared to the latest .NET wrappers, but I assume you want to modify an existing application which is why you are working with the AX controls.