Dalsa Piranha4 RGB+NIR support


In an upcoming project, we will be integrating a Dalsa Piranha4 RGB+NIR line scan camera. Since we do not yet have the camera available for testing, I was wondering about :cvb: support for its non-standard pixel formats.

In particular, can we use NSetAsString/NSetAsInteger on the Std::PixelFormat node to set the pixel format to “RGB8+NIR8” or “RGB12+NIR12”?

We will be accessing the pixel data using GetLinearAccess in the native Raw color format. I understand from the Sapera manual that the pixel data for each scan line will be stored as RGBRGBRGB…NNN… (i.e., the first three quarters of the scan line is RGB data, the last quarter is NIR data).


Hi Michael,

basically, this depends of two points:

  1. The CameraLink camera needs to be GenICam compliant. And yes, the Piranha4 RGB + NIR camera is GenICam compliant.

  2. The CVB framegrabber driver has to support the CVB INodeMap interface (and as far as I know, all CVB framegrabber driver support the INodeMap interface).

But to be sure, with which framegrabber model are you working?

Best regards,

Hi Martin,

We will be using the Xtium-CL PX4 framegrabber.



It is supported.

Best regards,