I wanted to test the Web streaming feature using the CppStreamConsole example as a template.
But CMake is unable to link the CVB::CVWebStreaming module and CVB_MODULE_PATH is equal to LIB_CVWEBSTREAMING-NOTFOUND.
However, the installation seems OK and CVBWebStreaming.lib is present in the lib folder.
I tried with several other modules, and except for CVB::CVDNCSamples, everything seems to link properly.
My environment is Windows 10, VS2019, CMake 3.24.0 and CVB 13.4.005.
Is there any specific find_package to add for this module ?
Thank you for the report. I will check this and get back to you.
In the meantime, if applicable, could you give it another try with CVB 14.0, please? I’m not trying to insist: please just forget about it if you can’t.
Here’s a short update: As far as I tested CVB 14.0 with CMake 3.20 it works; CMake works for a tutorial in Common Vision Blox\Tutorial\Image Manager\Cvb++\CppWebStreamingServer. I will give you another update once I tested 13.04.