I am developing by CVBPY on Ubuntu and I wonder if it is possible to connect and interact with the cameras using IP-Address of camera?
The reason is I need to use my code in Docker or WSL and in both case I am not able to discover cameras via the code below:
interface_flags = cvb.DiscoverFlags.UpToLevelInterface | cvb.DiscoverFlags.IgnoreGevFD
all_interfaces = cvb.DeviceFactory.discover_from_root(interface_flags)
broadcast_flags = cvb.DiscoverFlags.IgnoreVins | cvb.DiscoverFlags.IncludeInaccessible | cvb.DiscoverFlags.IgnoreGevFD
all_devices = []
for interface in all_interfaces:
cvb.DiscoveryInformation.set_genapi_feature(interface, "TLInterface", "DisableSubnetMatch", "1")
cvb.DiscoveryInformation.set_genapi_feature(interface, "TLInterface", "AllowBroadcastDiscoveryResponse", "1")
found_devices = cvb.DeviceFactory.discover_from_level(interface.access_token, broadcast_flags)
for dev in found_devices: