Camera Crash with Trigger settings

I have a strange problem: (the aquisition of) my specim 17e camera crashes when I execute the following code. This is always the case, regardless of the setTrigger argument.

auto setTrigger(bool enable_trigger) const
	//	the order of operations is important, triggerselector should be the first command!
	if (enable_trigger)

	if (enable_trigger)
		return nodes->Node<Cvb::EnumerationNode>(CVB_LIT("TriggerSource"))->Value() == CVB_LIT("Line0");
		return nodes->Node<Cvb::EnumerationNode>(CVB_LIT("TriggerSource"))->Value() == CVB_LIT("SoftwareSignal0");			

Altough the camera (seems to) accept these settings - the procedure returns the correct true or false - result, the GeniCamBrowser reveals that the camera aquisition is crashed:

The Specim camera specifically crashes on the nodes->Node<Cvb::EnumerationNode>(CVB_LIT("TriggerSelector"))->SetValue(CVB_LIT("FrameBurstStart")); statement.

What could be the cause of this problem? - could it be that ‘FrameBurstStart’ is wrongly set, or that the order of setting operations is incorrect?


Hi @iwein,
If the acquisition works in freerunning mode and only in the FrameBurstStart mode we might have an issue with the camera itself. Then you should contact our responsible support from your region.

BTW: It could not be that you have set FrameBurstFrameCount to zero so that no image is acquired at all and that the image you see in the GenICam Browser is only empty data. (Frames:0… means that no image was acquired at all).