About the .Net API category

The CVB.Net API (see also this post) is a new object oriented wrapper for the :cvb: SDK. It has been designed to harmoniusly integrate into the .Net API and makes leveraging the abilities of :cvb: for complex applications written in one of the .Net/CLR languages easier than the classic C-like API.

CVB.Net has been built versus the .Net 4.0 runtime and therefore requires Visual Studio 2010 or higher to work with. For GUI integration, CVB.Net offers two options:

  • Windows Forms applications may use the component Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls.Display on their forms. This component is based on the CVCDisp.dll of :cvb: and integrates all the features that the CVDisplay.ocx offers, including integration of *.opi plug ins.
  • WPF applications can use the Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls.Display control which is an IL-implemented display derived from System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl, capable of displaying any System.Windows.UIElement-derived object as a non-destructive overlay (a few “standard” overlays may be found in the namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Overlays).

As long as no platform-specific elements were used, CVB.Net should also be usable on any platform for which :cvb: and a .Net Core 2.0 compliant runtime are available.


  • Make sure the CVB.Net preview you installed matches the architecture of your :cvb: installation. While in principle all CVB.Net DLLs except one (Stemmer.Cvb.Aux.dll) have been implemented as IL DLLs, the fact that there is currently no hybrid :cvb: installer (i.e. an installer that simultaneously installs the 32 and the 64 bit build on a 64 bit operating system) makes it necessary to stick with the architecture that has been installed on your system. This specifically means that with a 64 bit installation one cannot expect an x86 build to run and vice versa and that Any CPU builds should not be used when working with a 32 bit installation on a 64 bit operating system.
    (It is, however, possible to build an AnyCPU IL *.exe and then deploy it to either a 64 bit OS with the 64 bit build installed or a 32 bit OS with the 32 bit build installed)
  • To make Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls.Display work in the Visual Studio Forms designer even if :cvb: has been installed for 64 bit, the 64 bit installer of the CVB.Net preview installs a few additional DLLs into C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and the 32 bit build of Stemmer.Cvb.Aux.dll in the Global Assembly Cache that allow Visual Studio the instantiation of a 32 bit Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls.Display in the designer.
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