Setting Area, finding Edges and adding Label

Hi George,

there are a lot of examples here in the forum that show you how to add overlays to a Display, for example:

If you are not shure on how to use the Edge tool, try checking the documentation first:

This should be pretty straight forward.

Now, what you want to do is add another Display to show the resulting image, am I right?
If so, you have to have another displayControl or change the following line:

display.Image = value?.DeviceImage;

to not show the DeviceImage but the image you get from whatever processing you have done.

Your Edge Method call should look something like this:
FindFirst(ImagePlane, EdgeSearchMode, EdgeType, Double)

To explain you where the ImagePlane overload of the method comes from you have to take a look at the getting started once again, especially the part with the async processing:

Here is the interesting part:

private async void grabCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (grabCheckBox.Checked)
    openButton.Enabled = false;
      while (grabCheckBox.Checked)
        using (StreamImage image = await Device.Stream.WaitAsync())
          // processing
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
      // acquisition was aborted
      openButton.Enabled = true;
    if (Device.Stream.IsRunning)

After you called the WaitAsync(), you have an image that you can use as argument for your edge tool, well not exactly the whole image but image.Planes[0] (for mono cameras) for RGB cameras just pass the index of the plane you want to use for processing.

I will also update my Example here
To have another display that shows some image that is a result of some filter call or something like that.

For now I see, that you are making progress with the Forms approach so just stick with it but if you have timeā€¦ just give my example a try.
