Getting Started with CVBpy

Setup Hints

Hi, it has been a while since the last post. However meanwhile many features were added to CVBpy.

That is right, but sometimes setting the python path is not enough. In such a case you may manually copy the contents of %CVB%/Lib/Python to your installation’s Lib/site-packages.
Plase be aware that this is not an actual installation.

Before manually installing CVBpy check if your interpreter actually sees this environment variable. E.g in VS Code have to add the PYTHONPATH through the settings.

Update 18. 10. 2018: PYTHONPATH is not required anymore, see above!

Finally some advanced stuff.

CVBpy Module Layout CVBpy contains one main module which is called "cvb" which contains everthing that is refered to as Image Manager in the C-Style API. In addition there will be sub modules for each available CVB Tool. Currently "" and "" (not yet complete) are available.
CVBpy Versioning CVBpy is build on top of CVB++ which is a header only C++ wrapper for the C-Style API. This makes quite challenging as CVBpy's version also depends on the CVB++ version used to build it. You may get this information by calling cvb.version(). A possible output could be: Release vc14 @ x64 & & CVB-v13.00.004 If you report a bug or just have a question it would be great to provide CVBpy version string, as it is currently in beta state and we provide nightly builds.