Error in CVB Logging GUI while Image Acquisition works as aspected

Hi @sebwr ,

2 thoughts on this as your code lgtm.

  1. You have the triggermode activated in your camera (unlikely).
    You could check this by opening the camera in the CVBViewer or any of the CVB examples like the streaming_simple example in the ImageManager package:

%cvb%Tutorial\Image Manager\CVBPy

  1. Your loop runs faster than the exposureTime of the camera.
    I would also expect this to not be the case because get_snapshot internally falls back to wait() as well as far as I am aware. This means the acquisition should wait for the default timeout (8s I think) for a new image.
    You could check the status to see if a timeout occured.



In an older post we had a problem with the stream running out of scope more or less:

Thinking about it, using the Software triggered solution might be the best way to go anyways.