Check for corrupt frames

I am trying to check for corrupt frames with IsIncomplete:

            auto isIncomplete = false;
            if (auto vinBuffer = enumerator["VinBuffer"]) {
                if (auto node = vinBuffer->Node<Cvb::BooleanNode>("IsIncomplete")) {
                    isIncomplete = vinBuffer->Node<Cvb::BooleanNode>("IsIncomplete")->Value();

Do I need to enable corrupt frames?

By default corrupt frames are passed thrue the driver. You can disable pass corrupt frames with the DataStream Nodemap of the driver.

Also, how to check for resends and lost frames (packets):

            if (auto node = tlDatastream->Node<Cvb::IntegerNode>("NumResends")) {
                numResends = node->Value();
            if (auto node = tlDatastream->Node<Cvb::IntegerNode>("Cust::NumBuffersLost")) {
                lostFrames = node->Value() - lostFrames;

Do I need to enable resends?

By default packet resend is disabled in the driver. To activate it you need access to the DataStream Nodemap of the driver.

Hi @IngFra,
In older CVB versions, packet resend was deactivated by default.
Now it is activated by default. Pass corrupt frames is also activated by default.

This lets you use the IsIncomplete flag in the VinBuffer nodemapt to check for an incomplete frame.

It is correct that you can use “NumResends” to see the number of resends done within the current acquisition.

NumBuffersLost can be used to check for lost frames, which are discarded if pass corrupt frames is disabled.

Additional hint:
instead of using tlDatastream->Node() you can use TryGetNode() in CVB 14.1 which does not throw any exception and returns a nullptr if the node does not exists.

Hmm, but we still get “corrupted” images (with “old” data?) without detection of IsIncomplete, eg:

It really looks like an incomplete frame which should be detected.
Which version of CVB are you using?
In 14.1 the detection of incomplete frames was improved.

CVB ver 14.00.010…
Got other problems with 14.1 (with Discover etc)?!

I see the other post in the forum related to discover, but not related to CVB 14.1
Maybe to get sort all of this out, it could be worth to create a support request over the Stemmer Imaging location which is responsible for your country.
Or create a support request over the website:

Thanx, will try 14.1 again…

Trying with 14.01.002 but now I get the “artifact” in the images?!
Is the codemeter changed also?

You mean the cvb watermark? Please recheck your license in the License Manager. CodeMeter is 7.21a which should be the same as with CVB 14.0.x

Added a license (from the Genie Nano camera) but still a watermark (with 14.01.002)!
Reverted to 14.00.010 and no watermark (and no license needed?!)…

Ah OK, I assume you are using Ubuntu 20.04 on an ARM platform.
We removed the CameraSuite License in CVB 14.1 on ARM platforms. For this kind of systems, you need a separate Image Manager License from now on.

Please talk to your local sales contact about the conditions you have for a new license.

Hmm, not ARM but AMD64 (on Ubuntu 20.04)…